With the hashtag #veilwithoutlabels we are going to launch a campaign that proposes a plural an authentic approach to Muslim women that goes beyond the veil and the stereotypes, defending rapprochement and interaction.


To break down the stereotypes levelled against Muslim Women and to promote a better understanding of this collective beyond appearances. The campaign addresses to a general audience in its first phase and it will focus on journalists later on.


21th of September is the European Day Against Islamophobia and this is why we are going to launch on social media and in seven European languages this video.

imagen video


Launching: Saturday the 21th of September, 9 AM (Brussels local time)

 The 3 days after the launching date we are going to upload the campaign’s video once a day together with Twits post related to Muslim Women.

From September the 24th we will keep on promoting information about this topic on the social media.

The campaign will finish in December the 12th coinciding with the Spanish Day against Islamophobia.

What we are asking for? Can we be trending topic the 21th of September?

  • Feel free to promote the campaign through your social media accounts and tag all the people that must be concerned by this topic.
  • Help people with doubts answering their questions
  • Tweet, retweet, like, feel free to use our Twitter posts, create, spread your own ideas and publications using the hashtag #veilwithoutlabels
  • If you have ideas, share them with us and in our social media accounts.
  • If you are about to launch a campaign, do it know following the lead of this campaign ‘Remove labels from the veil’ (#veilwithoutlabels) in order to get the greatest possible impact. The support of Twitter is an opportunity that we all must grasp.

Main Hashtag:


Main hashtag in other European languages:








What do we sent to you?

  • Link to the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObUGz6JGQp8&feature=youtu.be
  • Link with all the graphic material of the campaign:https://www.dropbox.com/sh/91r5cr94tj9uq12/AAB2ceqfAPBWwpcSUInzQjiGa?dl=0
  • Link with all the information about the campaign, feel free to share it!: https://www.fundacionalfanar.org/colabora-en-la-campana-quitate-las-etiquetas-al-velo/


The campaign ‘Remove labels from the veil’ saw the light within the framework of  a workshop on social innovation to fight against gendered Islamophobia organized by the Observatory of Islamophobia in the Media last 25th of October in Valencia, which was conducted by Jovesolides .

The campaign is being funded by Twitter Europe and promoted by:

  • The Observatory of Islamophobia in the Media -a project leaded by the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) and Al Fanar Foundation with the support of the Euro-Arab Foundation, Three Cultures Foundation and Casa Árabe.
  • The European project STOP-ISLAMOPHOBIA (Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme 2014-2020) of which Transnational Institute (Nederland), Izi Solutions (Nederland), NOOR Foundation (Nederland), Spin Watch (Great Britain), Un Ponte Per (Italy) y el Comité Justice et Liberte pour Tous (France) and Al Fanar Foundation (Spain) are partners.


Twits suggestions:

Imagen tuit4 Imagen tuit2

 Sin título-1 copiaThe content of this campaign represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains”.


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