
The Jordanian government is still committed to the modernization of its energy infrastructure and will dedicate $575 million provided by the Gulf Development Fund to implement major energy projects in Jordan. Renewable energy still retains an important position in the strategy of the Ministry of Energy which recently accredited 15 international companies to participate in a solar energy project (65-75MW) to be built north of the city of Aqaba. The project will be financed by the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development. The Jordanian government also succeeded in obtaining the support of the International Finance Corporation (CFI) which will allocate between $250 and $300 million to renewable energy projects in this country. This agency has so far assigned $100 million to a wind farm project of 117MW which will be implemented by the Jordanian wind solutions company, JWPC. The renewable energy sector has also caught the interest of Chinese companies, according to statements by the Jordanian Minister of Trade and Industry who welcomed the interest of Chinese business in the solar and wind sectors. The Chinese company Hunan aims to invest $2.000 million dollars in the Jordanian electricity sector to generate 800MW. Al-Ghad and Al-Hayat

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