On 18 November Emirates Glass belonging to Dubai Investments launched glass panels to produce electricity from solar energy. It is expected that the new product, whose demand on world markets reached about 20,000 metres before marketing, is a step forward in the path set by the National Sustainability Initiative launched by Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum, Vice-President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This path aims to put the UAE in a leading position globally in terms of production and use of alternative energy technology.

Emirates Insolaire, a common entity recently created by Swiss INSO (with a 49% share) and Emirates Glass (with 51%), will be responsible for the production of the new panels. Emirates Glass has recently modified its production lines to adapt to new technologies and invested nearly 1,3 billion dirhams in its expansion over the past four years.

The glass produced was developed in close collaboration with the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School and the Federal School of Applied Arts of Lausanne. This crystal, which was optimized for use in all photoelectric models whose cells convert solar radiation into electricity, gives added architectural color to the solar panels keeping over 90% of the efficiency in energy consumption. Emirates Insolaire aims to gain 10% of the market share of the global solar glass in the short term.

Source: Al-Bayan, 19/11/13

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