Solar PV_Egypt
Solar PV_Egypt

A report presented by experts to the Minister of Electricity and Energy confirms that Egypt is taking steps towards the widespread use of renewable energy. The possibilities of exploiting geothermal energy at 3,000 meters deep are being studied and a feasibility study of investment to desalinate seawater in solar plants is being carried out.

According to this report 18,600 million pounds in investments has been set aside for renewable energy projects to add 7,400MW of wind power and 3,500 MW of solar power to the existing power.

Moreover, thanks to the inter-ministerial cooperation a resolution of the Ministry of Housing will be activated which forces local governments not to grant building permits in the new cities if solar heaters are not installed. In the next few days, solar kitchens will be installed in the province of Al-Wadi Al-Guedid within a project to use solar energy at home. In the provinces of North and South Sinai and in Marsa Matruh the lighting of nine localities comes from solar energy.

Source: Al-Gomhuria, 10/10/2013

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