The American public bank will allocate 2 billion dollars for the export of the latest clean technology from the United States to Masdar. Under the agreement signed, the two parties will determine investment opportunities available to facilitate the purchase and delivery of renewable products and services of the United States to Masdar’s projects. The priority areas of cooperation will be desalination projects with solar energy techniques, the development of sustainable cities and the generation of power from waste. Masdar aims to cooperate productively with the Ex-Im Bank in order to expand its portfolio of international projects.

For its part, the bank intends to help ensure funding of American companies so that they can export their products to world markets. At an international level, a growth in the volume of investments in the renewable energy sector is expected: investments of 268,000 million dollars in 2012 could reach 750,000 million dollars annually in 2030, i.e. 70% of the total value of investments in the field of power generation. Renewable energy will account for 70% of the total electricity generating power added to the networks in 2030.

Source: Al Bayan, 16/05/2013

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