The Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC) plans to reduce its current fuel consumption (300,000 BEP daily) through the use of solar, wind and geothermal energy (The latter is currently under consideration). The growth in the demand for drinkable water is more than the annual 8%. The solar desalination unit created by the Institute for the Study of Desalination of Jubail in cooperation with the Japanese company Hitachi Zosen will be operational in late April. This is the first step in the second phase for water desalination with solar energy and aims to produce 300,000 cubic meters of desalinated water per day. The desalination solar unit is located in an area of ​​1,200 square meters and will produce 375 KW and can be linked to one of the thermal desalination units of the institute.  The plant will be operational from April for an entire year to establish its operating conditions under the prevailing climate in Saudi Arabia.


Fuente: Al Sharq al Awsat, 05/04/2013

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