Investments in the renewable energy sector in the Arab world have increased six-fold over the last five years. The commitment to this type of energy is a strategic decision by Arab governments, both non-oil producing countries and producers, who prefer to opt for renewable energy to generate electricity so as not to have to burn the oil intended for the international market. This government commitment, together with the privileged geographical situation of most countries in the region, both in terms of solar intensity and hours of sunshine per year, has attracted investors in the region from all over the world. The hopeful outlook for the sector in the area (there are 106 committed projects that will produce a total of 7.5 GW with just solar energy generating 10GW by 2017) cannot hide the complexity of a region that, despite being united by the same language, has very different local realities. From Kinan Integrated Solutions, we focus on tracking developments in this sector in the Arab world, something very necessary in itself, but which has become essential given the region’s changing political and economic situation.


In collaboration with the Al-Fanar Foundation for Arab Knowledge, an organization that has been analyzing the Arab reality for over ten years, and thanks to a software we have developed to filter Arabic content on the Internet on a large scale, we have created a specialized portal for renewable energy in the Arab world. We aim to create a website that will serve as a reference, bringing together all the information about the sector in this area, translating it into Spanish and English. Articles, reports, details about tenders, events, etc., in short, all types of information will be here to help the investor form a more accurate and precise idea of the reality of the sector.


In addition to our portal, which already includes more than three hundred articles covering news over the last two years, you can subscribe to our newsletter with a selection of the most important news that has been published.

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